Authority Marketing and Public Relations - Social Viral New



Authority Marketing and Public Relations

Authority Marketing and Public Relations
The world of public relations has evolved since the age of technology became a dominant force in business. Those who embrace that evolution find success in the fusion of solid public relations and SEO strategies. To understand this blended marketing powerhouse, we need only to look at the powers of each brand builder individually.

Public relations is and always will be a major part of any business. Simply stated, the public relations team builds your image, and therefore your brand. They are the managers of communication, both internal and external to create and maintain the image and reputation of the company. Public relations teams do not buy ads. The do, introduce press releases that shape the company image with the consumer and the community both locally and nationally.

SEO. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO is not just a computer tool, it is THE computer tool. To put it in simple terms, when we build a website we want to get high-quality traffic, thus - we want the best possible website optimisation.  We want to link with authoritative sites, and be associated with the best. We do this by having high-quality content. That content is easy to read, interesting, informative, and compelling. But, unless the search engines lead people to your site, no one knows about it except for you, your employees, and the content writer. To get the search engines to direct to your site when someone performs a search, correct SEO keywords in your content is critical. Search engines like Google, scan the sites, grabs the keywords and puts your site closer to the top in search results. The more people who read your content, share your content, and return to your site, the better your placement is on searches.

Smart companies see that combining these two powerful, status building divisions creates an unbeatable force. While SEO is reaching for the high-quality relationships with journalists, reporters and editors from authoritative websites, your public relations people already have those relationships in the real (not computer) world. Sure, you want to blast your brand all over the web, but a few authoritative sites linking to yours is worth more than hundreds of mediocre sites.

As your site is building status and reputation and a presence on social media, you are taking advantage of the connections and relationships public relations has built. And as your website grows and gives you the brand building presence you need, your public relations team is utilizing that information to establish and grow your image, locally, nationally, and even internationally.

Public relations and SEO fusion are a natural evolution. They are two halves of the same coin. We do not live in a world that is only connected online. We do not conduct business only on the internet. We are both. It makes sense that merging these powerful teams and the tools they use will take any business to the next level.

Public relations and SEO will always maintain their own entities. There are some parts of Public Relations and SEO that are unique to their field and it takes a professional with that expertise to effectively use the tools at hand. However, that does not mean both entities (as well as the company) cannot benefit from the merging of the particular powers to create a mega-marketing strategy that is search engine friendly. The rewards are substantial by any standard.

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