RTI Amendment Bill 2019 will change the RTI forever - Social Viral New



RTI Amendment Bill 2019 will change the RTI forever

 The RTI Amendment Bill 2019 has set the RTI to rest in peace forever since the bill was passed in both the houses by the Modi government.  It is said that the bill is passed for the interest of government to take over the powers of RTI Commissioner.

 Earlier in 2006 and after the bill was passed for the the transparency of government by congress under the pressure of Anna Hazare ansan that took place for passing out the bill.

 Under the Amendment Act it is said that the power of changing the tenure of the RTI commissioner will be taken over by the central government.
 The central government will also be able to fix the salaries of the commissioners all over the country.

 Before amendment the tenure of the RTI commissioner and the salary was fixed accordance with the law and not by any empowering body.

 Though the Congress opposed the amendment it was successfully passed by the Modi government which held the major position in the Parliament House both in upper and lower house. 
 It is clearly seen that the parliament is taking over the charges of all the Independence committee set by the the law itself.   Anna Hazare quoted that Modi government is creating a dictatorship environment in the country which will not work in the long run he also quoted that he can't able to to set for another Anson as his health is unsuitable for the anson.

 what is your opinion as a citizen of India over the RTI Act you make comment below make sure to add the #rti  in your Twitter handle to promote this eventevent. 

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