Top 10 law of attraction teachers - Social Viral New



Top 10 law of attraction teachers

Learning how to manifest your desires is easy when you start with a excellent teacher. Here are the top 10 law of attraction teachers that I recommend to my clients and students. Each of them offers a slightly different take on the attraction process, but each one of them will help you transform your life if you apply the ideas they share!

  1. Esther Hicks / Abraham - Considered by many to be the number one contemporary source of law of attraction, (LOA), teachings. Esther Hicks channels Abraham, a collection of non-physical beings, has written several books, and has a regular schedule of LOA workshops across the United States. Esther was in the original version of "The Secret", but was replaced due to conflicts over the marketing of the film.
  2. Dr. Wayne Dyer - The LOA is plainly evident in Dr. Wayne Dyer's work. Often called the father of motivation, Wayne brings a spiritual outlook to the attraction process, and his warmth and compassion have made him a favorite in the field.
  3. Bob Proctor - Bob Proctor has been teaching success principles for years. He is probably best know for his appearance in "The Secret", and his Science of Getting Rich program.
  4. Louise Hay - In addition to creating one of the biggest self growth publishing houses in the world, Louise Hay is celebrated for her story of triumph over cancer. Her story, and her firm belief that we all possess the ability to heal ourselves and create our own reality, form the basis of her work.
  5. Jack Canfield - As the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, Jack Canfield has touched the lives of millions of people, but he is also an amazing speaker and teacher whose seminars and workshops on attraction and self esteem regularly sell out.
  6. Napoleon Hill - The author of the self help classic, "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill is credited with inspiring a generation of motivational and inspirational teachers.
  7. Earl Nightingale - A former radio personality turned motivational speaker, Earl Nightingale's album, "The Strangest Secret", was the first spoken word album to reach Gold Record status. Earl is also the co-founder of Nightingale-Conant, publishers of personal development and self help material.
  8. Neville Goddard - Teaching the power of imagination to transform your life, Neville Goddard used scripture to convey his core ideas about manifesting and creating your desires. His ideas can be found in the work of many modern self help teachers.
  9. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale - A Protestant preacher best known for "The Power of Positive Thinking", Dr. Peale is an icon in the positive thinking camp. He also founded Guideposts magazine.
  10. YOU - You are your own best teacher. No one else knows exactly what you need, or what changes you will have to make on your journey from where you are to where you want to be. Learn to trust your inner guidance!
Your greatest tool in this manifesting process is your mind! Feed your mind great information from any of these top 10 law of attraction teachers and then begin applying the concepts you learn in your life right away. Your life will never be the same!

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