{Younger looking skin} 3 Proven methods for Natural Beauty - Social Viral New



{Younger looking skin} 3 Proven methods for Natural Beauty

Beautiful girl younger looking skin

Are you obsessed of beauty products to have younger looking skin? Do you even think of going to a beauty surgeon to submit yourself for a cosmetic surgery? Nowadays women are very particular on how they look as they age, they crave for the fountain of youth to keep that youthful beauty. Blame it on the Korean goddesses who proved they already found the fountain of youth. But whether or not beauty products flood over the beauty arena still nothing compares to the natural regimen.

Here are the there methods by which you can look younger.

1. Start your beauty ritual with natural anti-aging solution.

Apple cider vinegar is a very good skin cleanser and natural facial toner that will rejuvenate skin. It has pH balance which protects skin from getting too oily or too dry. It also acts as natural antibacterial and antiseptic to protect your skin from breakouts. It also brightens skin instantly yet it maintain the natural moisture of your skin. It is a great natural anti-aging secret to keep skin from wrinkles and fine lines. It fades off dark spots too. Just soak a cotton ball in a raw ACV then rub it on your face gently.

You can also take at least 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water. This is best taken around 30 minutes before breakfast. You can add a little amount of honey to prevent aftertaste. Apple cider vinegar is alkaline pH balanced and can be used as a tonic drink. It helps reduce fat while preventing illnesses.

2. Go organic- better than anti-aging products

Brown and white rice flour are one of the oldest Asian beauty regimens. It can be used as an exfoliating powder especially for the face. It has a fine texture that is gentle to the skin plus it provides natural antioxidant without compromising for any side effects. It yields better result compared to synthetic anti-aging products making skin fine, soft, radiant and young-looking.
Make your own brown or white rice exfoliant at home if in case you could not find rice flour in the grocery store.

You can mix a cup of powdered brown or white rice together with honey and lemon juice. In a high-speed blender, put it all together and start blending until it forms a paste. You may refrigerate the mixture around 20 to 30 minutes or until it chilled. Gently massage your skin using the mixture. For better result, exfoliate your skin at least 3 times a week.

3. Nourish your skin with natural skin-tightening moisturizer

Moisturizing the skin is the most powerful secret to get younger looking skin. And Avocado is one of the best options to bring enough moisture to the skin. Avocado is naturally rich in antioxidant plus it has vitamin A and E which plays a vital role to make skin healthy.

To make a homemade avocado facial skin tightening mask is just so simple. All you need is a ripe avocado mashed in a bowl. You may add lemon and honey to the mixture. Mix it thoroughly until if forms a paste. Apply it to your face and on the area of your body where you want to moisturize. Do this every day to nourish your skin making it extra supple, soft, glowing and healthy.

There are more ways to get younger looking skin naturally, but the most important thing is to have the determination to achieve your goal. Just be responsible taking good care of your skin. Modify your lifestyle and avoid stress. Stress is the main reason for getting older than your age. Stay healthy and enjoy life.

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