How to get traffic to Your New Blog or Website? - Social Viral New



How to get traffic to Your New Blog or Website?

How to get traffic to Your New Blog or Website?
I'm going to tell you seven different tricks by which you can really get traffic to your blog or website. Now bringing traffic to your new blog or website is not a rocket science the thing you need to do is use your small common sense. Just think your blog or a website is a new product and the only way to make your product reach is by marketing. The trick which you need to follow on your blog or a website so I'll just share you small Seven Tricks by which you can really increase your blog or website traffic.

how to get trafic to blog

1. Blog Commenting: Go and search for a blog or website that nearly matches your niche and then just read out articles that have they written just one comment in their post like; say ,"Hey I read your article and it was nice and I have two written a similar article like this do check this out. " Put your link, so that is the first way of branding your blog or a website.
 Put in the link to your post that is similar to that niche so the people who are reading that post would also be interested to read your post as well. You will get a good amount of traffic.

2.Video Marketing: This is the place where most of the bloggers fail. Once you have written your post, make a similar video out of it on YouTube and upload it. While making your youtube video just let your audience know that you have written a detailed article on it and put the link of that website in the description below. So that people can read that out and you also get a decent traffic to your blog or a website.

3. Social Marketing: Yes, you have plenty of social networks where you can publish your content once you have written your blog post or an article. There are plenty of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and much more. You can share your contents in the group that is related to your niche so that people are interested in that article might read you'll get a decent traffic.

4. Foreign Marketing: There are plenty of forums that are available on the Internet. So go and search for a niche forum where it is related to your niche and also put in your views in that and leave your website links there. While reading the forms people find a link and they'll press the link and you'll get a traffic to your blog or a website. If they find your article interesting there'll be a regular reader to your website and you will get a good traffic to your blog or website.

5. Writing a top post: It means consider one particular topic write about it in detail. Write from A to Z you must have all the details about that particular topic from A to Z. When people make a search of that keyword your article might pop up within Google search engine and you'll get a better traffic. 

6.Update your blog regularly: This is also the place where blogger fails. Most of the people write two to three posts and just don't show interest to update their blog or website. This is the place where you lost your traffic. Always keep updating your blog very regularly so this will bring you a good amount of traffic.

7.Guest Posting/blogging: The last and final pro tip is guest blogging. Yes, you have certain websites where they allow you to guest blog. It means you'll be writing an article for them. They'll be publishing your article on their website so at the end of the article or the guest posts you can put your website link. After that people will read that article and they'll be redirected to your website and you'll be getting a good amount of traffic.

 So these are the seven Most important ticks for getting a good amount of traffic to your new blog or website and also it helps intermediate bloggers. If you find this article helpful then share it so that more people who are not getting traffic to their blog get benifit from it.

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